Learn to use iPad, Safari on the iPad and iPad apps

learning iPad, beginner on iPad, getting apps from app store, learning safari on iPad

Improve your iPad for free

HT4623-ipad-update--enYou get most of the advantages of buying a new iPad.  And, you $ave money. And, you get to watch your iPad turn black (don’t worry), then a red line moves across the screen, a partially eaten Apple appears and you have a newer machine.

Every few months Apple introduces a new iPad or changes the system that runs your iPad. They call the system iOS. As I’ve often pointed out the “Apps make the machine.” Well, the operating system determines what the machine can do.

Recently Apple introduced the 7th iOS for the later model iPads. Each version of  iOS contained new features and improvements that let you do even more with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. It takes a little time. Updating the software on your mobile device is easy, however.

Check out the Apple set of instructions to get a nearly new machine with a major cost advantage.

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This entry was posted on December 1, 2013 by in Apps make the machine, Free Stuff, Novice, Uncategorized and tagged , , .